
Course Information

Concepts of Biology (BIO 105)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Spring


Jennifer C AllsbrookShow MyInfo popup for Jennifer C Allsbrook
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Mon-Thu, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM (1/14/2025 - 5/9/2025) Location: MAIN MS 102
Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM (1/14/2025 - 5/9/2025) Location: MAIN MSX 224


This course, intended for the liberal arts student, provides an introduction to concepts in biology. Topics include cellular biology (structure and function, cellular respiration, photosynthesis), genetics (Mendelian, population, molecular), evolution (natural selection, adaptation, microevolution), and
ecology (population, community, ecosystem). A student may not enroll in this course if he/she previously received credit for BIO 120 or 121. Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab. Offered every fall and spring. Meets General Education Distribution Area II.B.