
Course Information

General Chemistry:An EnvironmentalApproach (CHE 101)

Term: 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring


Robin L. PulliamShow MyInfo popup for Robin L. Pulliam
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Wed, 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM (1/13/2020 - 5/8/2020) Location: MAIN MSX 223


This course, intended for environmental studies or liberal arts students, introduces students to concepts and theories of chemistry as they apply to environmental issues. Students should gain an understanding of the underlying chemical causes of selected environmental issues, and an understanding of the meaning of data presented. Critical thinking will also be used to analyze risks versus benefits for a given situation. A student may not receive credit for both CHE 101 and CHE 102. Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab. Offered every fall semester. Meets General Education Distribution Area II.B. Does not count toward Chemistry major.