This course explores two directions in life and the arts: Music, the visual arts, and theater present themselves in our nightly dreaming; and the Unconscious provides messages through nightly dreams and active imagination that fuels our artistic, creative, musical inner world. We will explore how color, dramatic action, and music appear and manifest themselves in the dreaming world, and we will also explore how dreams and interpretation of dream images and energies lead towards the creation of music and the other arts. Although the course will be largely exploring music and dreams, guest teachers will show how we can experience other artistic media from our waking and sleeping dream-worlds. The required trip is to the Kanuga Conference Center, which houses the Haden Institute. Lecturers and presenters will be on hand there to guide us and their own students through dreamwork and Jungian thought. This course works best if you are open to sharing dreams and if you can engage in metaph