
Course Information

Senior Project Preparation (INT 460)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Spring


Mel BringleShow MyInfo popup for Mel Bringle
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Wed, 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM (1/14/2025 - 5/9/2025) Location: MAIN MG 232


This course is taken during the semester prior to completing the Integrated Studies senior project. During this semester, the student defines the project topic, assembles a working bibliography and research strategy, contacts faculty members to serve as mentors for the project, and establishes timelines
for the project’s completion. Students also begin assembling a digital major portfolio to illustrate their accomplishment of the major’s goals. With approval of the major coordinator, a student may substitute another senior project preparation course (e.g. HUM 461) for INT 460. Prerequisite: Junior/senior
level and Integrated Studies major. Meets General Education Distribution Area Intensive Writing and Presentational Speaking.