
It is Brevard College’s policy to maintain a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff. The College has enacted, and published in the Brevard College Student Handbook, its Gender Discrimination & Harassment, Sexual Misconduct & Harassment, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence policy to address:

  • discrimination, harassment, and other incidents or acts of bias that are based on gender, gender identity, and/or gender expression;
  • acts that are based on sex or are sexual in nature (including, but not limited to, acts of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact or intercourse, and sexual exploitation);
  • stalking;
  • dating, domestic, and intimate partner violence; and
  • retaliation against a person who reports, complains about, or who otherwise participates in good faith in any matter related to conduct covered under this policy.

The College strongly encourages all members of our community to take action to maintain and facilitate a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment on campus. The College expects that all College community members will take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop prohibited conduct. The College strongly supports individuals who choose to take such action and will take measures to protect such individuals from retaliation. 

For more information or support, please review the complete policy in the Student Handbook and/or contact:

  • Dr. Debora ("Debbie") D’Anna, PhD, Title IX Coordinator
    (Office: 828-641-0594; Cell: 606-627-1069; Email:
    1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard, NC 28712
  • Michael Cohen, JD, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
    (Office: 828-641-0269; Cell: 828-507-2712; Email:
    1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard, NC 28712

As a recipient of Federal funds, Brevard College is required to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 USC § 1681 et seq. (“Title IX”). Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities. Sexual misconduct and harassment are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. The “Title IX Coordinator” is responsible for overseeing the College’s response to Title IX reports and complaints and identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems revealed by such reports and complaints. The Title IX Coordinator also has responsibility for weighing a student’s request for confidentiality and determining whether supportive measures and additional remedies are appropriate. The Title IX Coordinator is available to advise students about the courses of action available at the College and externally, including reports to law enforcement. Under Brevard College’s policy, the Title IX Coordinator also oversees the College’s response to reports of Stalking, Intimate Partner Violence, Dating Violence, and Domestic Violence.

The Title IX Coordinator may be supported and assisted by one or more Deputy Coordinator(s). A Deputy Coordinator is available to receive reports under this policy; assist with and execute policies and procedures with respect to reports; perform any roles and functions of and designated to the Title IX Coordinator, as requested or assigned by the Title IX Coordinator; and act in the absence of the Title IX Coordinator.