
Course Information

Business Communication (BUS 205)

Term: 2025-2026 Academic Year Fall


Tue-Fri, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM (8/18/2025 - 12/10/2025) Location: MAIN MG 216


This course focuses on the power and politics of effective communication, both verbal and nonverbal, within organizations. Each student will participate as a member of a hypothetical management group and will study techniques of communicating both good news and bad news through written memo-
randa, reports, executive summaries, email, resumes, letters; and oral presentations. Students explore the use and effectiveness of web-based resumes and job searches. Understanding of audience sensitivity, group communication, and active listening will be demonstrated through simulations and direct expeiences. Students demonstrate responsible use of presentation computer software. Prerequisite: BUS 110. Meets General Education Distribution Area I.C.