
Course Information

Not-for-Profit Management (ORG 355)

Term: 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring


Marie F JonesShow MyInfo popup for Marie F Jones
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Mon-Thu, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM (1/16/2024 - 5/10/2024) Location: MAIN MG 219
Thu, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM (1/16/2024 - 5/10/2024) Location: MAIN MG 224


This course is an exploration of the wide variety of issues faced by leaders in nonprofit organizations. Topics include managing volunteers, public and client relations, grant writing, budget management accounting and reporting requirements, staff motivation and performance, mission development, stra-
tegic planning and staffing. This course requires case studies and completion of a project with a non- profit organization.
Prerequisite: ORG 203 or ORG 205.