The Clarion - BANNER

The Clarion has been the student newspaper at Brevard College since 1935. Student staff members are responsible for content, editing, advertising sales, and production and distribution of the newspaper on the Brevard College campus and throughout the surrounding community.

Unless otherwise noted, all contents on this website are Copyright 2024 The Clarion. Articles, photographs and other content in archived issues are copyrighted for the year of original publication.

For more information, including current staff and advertising information and a comprehensive archive of all available past issues, visit our website,

All correspondence, including letters to the editor and permission requests to re-use Clarion content, should be addressed to The Clarion, Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Dr., Brevard, NC 28712, or e-mailed to

Senior Staff (Fall 2023):

Editor in Chief Anna Ervin
Managing Editor Isaiah Collison
Copy Editor position open
Campus News position open
Opinion Isaiah Collison
Sports position open
Layout & Design Anna Ervin
Faculty Adviser John B. Padgett


Other Staff

Amy Clyburn

Oreo Ellis

Olivia Ervin

Olivia Hyde

Sabrina Ortiz

DeVon Taylor

Jake Thomas

All correspondence may be mailed to:

The Clarion
Brevard College
One Brevard College Drive
Brevard, NC 28712

or send E-mail to

The Clarion welcomes contributions from our readers, including letters to the editor, opinion pieces, feature stories, photographs, cartoons, or other written or visual materials. Contributions, including letters, should be on subjects of interest or relevance to readers of The Clarion, which includes the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of Brevard College. We reserve the right to edit any contribution, including letters, for length or content.

Letters intended for publication in the newspaper should be sent to Queries or requests concerning other contributions to The Clarion may  be sent to the same address. 

Normally, letters should be 250 words or less. Letters must be signed. We do not publish letters whose authorship cannot be verified.