Brevard College values the diversity of its community and promotes inclusivity for all students, including those with disabilities. The mission of Student Accessibility & Disability Services is to help create an accessible, inclusive, sustainable learning environment where disability is recognized as an aspect of diversity that is integral to the campus community and to society.  This office serves as a resource for students and the campus community. 

The goals and objectives of Student Accessibility & Disability Services are to:

  • Promote and facilitate access through collaborative partnerships, innovative strategies, and proactive solutions;
  • Create inclusive environments by engaging and supporting the campus community in progressive system change; increase the recruitment, transition, retention, and graduation of students with disabilities;
  • Consult regarding the reduction of barriers for persons with disabilities;
  • Ensure the effective delivery of accommodations.



Students who need academic, housing, or dietary accommodations should contact Student Accessibility & Disability Services to discuss needs, access appropriate forms, and submit supporting professional documentation. Please use the links (located on this page's left menu) related to each accommodation type for additional information and forms.

Academic Accommodations:  Ideally, academic accommodations should be requested before the start of the first semester of enrollment for an optimal transition.  Accommodations may be requested and evaluated for implementation at any time during the semester, but some approved accommodations require planning time to be arranged.  Once students make an academic accommodation request and submit supporting documentation, a "Welcome Meeting" (either virtual or in-person) will be arranged to discuss the request's details and confirm approved reasonable accommodations.  Students with approved academic accommodations receive an Academic Accommodation Letter (AAL) that they should share directly with their professors early in the semester.  Approved accommodations cannot be applied retroactively.  

Housing/Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Accommodations:  Housing and Emotional Support Animal accommodations should be requested and approved at least 60 days prior to the start of the semester to ensure that the Campus Life/Housing Office has the necessary time to arrange for the appropriate accommodation.  Ideally, requests should be made before May 15 for Fall Semester and October 1 for Spring Semester. The Housing Accommodation Request Committee cannot evaluate and process requests for an ESA accommodation between July 1-September 15 nor during Fall, Spring, or Winter Breaks.  Late housing and ESA accommodation requests will be considered at other times; however, approved students may need to wait until appropriate space becomes available.

IMPORTANT NOTES re Emotional Support Animals

  • Transfer students should apply for housing and ESA accommodations in advance according to the same procedures and target dates.  Previous approval at another institution does not guarantee approval for the same accommodations at Brevard College.
  • Brevard College campus housing does not allow pets. Bringing an animal into campus housing without advance approval through Brevard College Student Accessibility & Disability Services is a campus life conduct violation.
  • ESAs are not allowed at Brevard Music Center.  The college leases space at BMC and does not own this housing.  Approved students with ESAs will need to reside on the main campus.




Accessibility & Disability Services

Phone:  828-641-0653

Fax:  828-412-0283


Jones Library Room 113